The Land Rover Treasure Shop is a Cyprus based company. Cyprus, an island in the Mediterranean once being a British colony, has a long history with Land Rovers and UK MOD.
Riccos, youngest son of Neophytos Tsiannakkas who was known all over Cyprus from the 1960’s as one of the main players on UK MOD & Cyprus MOD auctions on the Island, grew up in and around these vehicles and with no surprise ended up with a big passion and great knowledge of Land Rovers.

As a young driven man he set up his successful business with water sports on the beaches of Paphos and in the 1980’s developing the first Jeep Safari’s for tourist island wide with tours to Akamas Peninsula & Troodos mountains of course using Land Rover vehicles, Series to start with and moving on to Defenders.
As this part of the business developed into a company with over 25 Land Rover Defenders, there was a need of buying spare parts, this in combination with auction fever in his DNA led to a very impressive stock of Land Rover parts & vehicles.

After years working in the tourist trade the Land Rover passion got a bigger pull and Riccos & his wife Inga with help of a dedicated team started to develop this side of the business more and more.... At this point having a big workshop where we restore, rebuild, upgrade or service any type of Land Rover, large warehouses with the biggest Land Rover stock Island wide, an expansive shop on eBay and last but not least now our own online store........ The story continues !